Esso Petrol - Bicester South And Ambrosden, Cherwell




Updated via Data Feed on: 20/08/2023
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The price before this change was 144.9 p - recorded on 20/08/2023

Increased by 7% since 20 Aug 23

Last Updated: 4 months ago

Price Change History

Date Price Title Previous Price Updated Price Change (Amount) Change (%)
20/08/2023 UNLEADED 144.9p 154.9p 10.0p 6.9% increase!
15/07/2023 UNLEADED 142.9p 144.9p 2.0p 1.4% increase!
28/05/2023 UNLEADED 143.9p 142.9p -1.0p 0.7% decrease!
18/05/2023 UNLEADED 145.9p 143.9p -2.0p 1.4% decrease!
08/03/2023 UNLEADED 146.9p 145.9p -1.0p 0.7% decrease!
28/02/2023 UNLEADED 148.9p 146.9p -2.0p 1.4% decrease!
28/02/2023 UNLEADED 148.9p 146.9p -2.0p 1.4% decrease!
16/01/2023 UNLEADED 151.9p 148.9p -3.0p 2.0% decrease!
12/01/2023 UNLEADED 152.9p 151.9p -1.0p 0.7% decrease!
01/01/2023 UNLEADED 155.9p 152.9p -3.0p 2.0% decrease!
20/12/2022 UNLEADED 158.9p 155.9p -3.0p 1.9% decrease!
13/12/2022 UNLEADED 159.9p 158.9p -1.0p 0.6% decrease!
11/12/2022 UNLEADED 162.9p 159.9p -3.0p 1.9% decrease!
02/12/2022 UNLEADED 163.9p 162.9p -1.0p 0.6% decrease!
29/11/2022 UNLEADED 165.9p 163.9p -2.0p 1.2% decrease!
13/11/2022 UNLEADED 166.9p 165.9p -1.0p 0.6% decrease!
10/11/2022 UNLEADED 168.9p 166.9p -2.0p 1.2% decrease!
08/11/2022 UNLEADED 169.9p 168.9p -1.0p 0.6% decrease!
06/11/2022 UNLEADED 170.9p 169.9p -1.0p 0.6% decrease!
03/11/2022 UNLEADED 169.9p 170.9p 1.0p 0.6% increase!
30/10/2022 UNLEADED 168.9p 169.9p 1.0p 0.6% increase!
21/10/2022 UNLEADED 165.9p 168.9p 3.0p 1.8% increase!
18/10/2022 UNLEADED 166.9p 165.9p -1.0p 0.6% decrease!
16/10/2022 UNLEADED 164.9p 166.9p 2.0p 1.2% increase!
12/10/2022 UNLEADED 163.9p 164.9p 1.0p 0.6% increase!
28/09/2022 UNLEADED 165.9p 163.9p -2.0p 1.2% decrease!

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